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Brain rhythms

As you know, the human brain operates using electrical signals. It constantly generates electrical impulses called brain waves (or brain rhythms, brain waves, brain activity waves). The frequency of these pulses is measured in Hertz or cycles per second. Well, the dominant frequency of brain waves determines the overall state of the brain.

Why dominant? The whole point is that the brain does not work as a single unit at the same frequency. This means that one area of the brain can produce more beta waves, while other areas of the brain emit pulses at a different frequency. In General, it may be in a calm relaxation state, for example, but part of the subcortex will be itching about stress and problems in the background.

Waves (rhythms) of human brain activity are divided by scientists into five main types: Delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma.

Alpha rhythm

The EEG (electroencephalogram) rhythm in the frequency band from 8 to 14 Hz, the average amplitude of 30 to 70 mV, however, high — and low-amplitude alpha waves can be observed. It is registered in 85% of healthy adults. It is best expressed in the occipital regions. The highest amplitude of the α-rhythm is in a state of calm wakefulness, especially when the eyes are closed in a darkened room. It is blocked or weakened when attention increases (especially visual) or mental activity.

In a state of complete relaxation and immersion in yourself, alpha waves are amplified, and healing and cleansing processes begin to take place in our psyche, hidden resources Wake up: intuition comes to life, concentration of attention becomes perfectly honed, and psychic abilities appear. The world around begins to play with completely different colors, making a person happy.

Ways to increase the alpha rhythm:

  1. Daily meditation-relaxation
    Requires practice and time. For beginners, it is enough to devote 20 minutes a day to training to learn how to relax

  2. Yoga
    Promotes complete relaxation of the body and increases the level of alpha waves. Proper and constant yoga classes will help you consciously control the alpha rhythm

Negative effects that occur when the alpha rhythm is over-stimulated include increased sleepiness, fatigue, and even depression. It is important to understand your condition. Increasing the alpha rhythm will be useful in cases of depression associated with fear, nervousness, and tension. It is not necessary to raise the alpha rhythm in a calm, relaxed state with a clear consciousness. This can lead to feelings of frustration, boredom, and loss of interest in life

Beta rhythm

Low-amplitude fluctuations in the total potential of the brain with a frequency from 15 to 35 vibrations per second, the amplitude of 5 to 30 mV. This rhythm is inherent in the state of active wakefulness. Refers to fast waves. This rhythm is most strongly expressed in the frontal regions, but it increases sharply during various types of intense activity and spreads to other areas of the brain. Thus, the intensity of the beta rhythm increases when a new unexpected stimulus is presented, in a situation of attention, with mental stress, and emotional arousal. Their amplitude is 4 to 5 times less than the amplitude of alpha waves.

Ways to stimulate beta waves:

  1. Reading interesting books
    increases the activity of the left hemisphere and the production of beta waves

  2. Caffeine
    increases beta waves, but only for a short time. Harmful energy drinks and Smoking give a surge in wave activity. However, soon after the ascent, you will feel a sharp drop in energy and spend the rest of the day in a broken state

  3. Keeping focus on the inner visual image, mental score

If your beta wave level is naturally elevated, the additional stimulation will lead to feelings of fear, unexplained anxiety, and even panic. Beta rhythm increases muscle tension and blood pressure. These waves affect the processes of excitation of the nervous system and relieve drowsiness. Therefore, hypertensive patients and insomniacs should not get involved in stimulating beta waves.

Gamma rhythm

EEG potential fluctuations in the range from 30 to 120-170 vibrations per second. The amplitude of the gamma rhythm is very low, below 10 mV and inversely proportional to the frequency. If the amplitude is higher than 15 mV, then the EEG is considered pathological. Gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. Gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. This is the rhythm of concentration and concentration on a problem or task, the rhythm of an active collected solution and work.

Delta rhythm

From 0.5 to 4  vibrations per second, the amplitude 50 500 mV. This rhythm occurs both in deep natural sleep, and in narcotic sleep, and also in coma. Delta rhythm is also observed when recording electrical signals from areas of the cortex bordering the area of a traumatic focus or tumor. Low-amplitude (20–30 mV) fluctuations in this range can be registered in a state of rest in some forms of stress and long-term mental work.

Theta rhythm

EEG rhythm with a frequency of 4.8 Hz, high electric potential of 100-150 microvolts, high wave amplitude from 10 to 30 mV. The theta rhythm is most pronounced in children from two to five years of age. This frequency range promotes deep relaxation of the brain, good memory, deeper and faster assimilation of information, and awakening of individual creativity and talents. It is in this frequency range that the brain has enough energy to assimilate large amounts of information and quickly transfer it to long-term memory, enhance the ability to learn and relieve stress.

Ways to stimulate theta waves

  1. Listening to pleasant music
    the Sounds of such music are associated with the development of emotions and sensations, and this is a direct way to increase the activity of theta waves.
  2. Meditation
    (Light relaxation and Dhyana with some immersion) — produces an alpha and theta rhythm. The easiest way to learn how to generate alpha waves, and only after positive training comes the ability to control the theta rhythm
  3. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis
    Allow you to enhance the alpha and theta rhythm.
  4. Yoga
    helps you consciously control the state of theta waves and get the most out of it.

The disadvantages of increasing theta brain activity include:

  • Theta stimulation is not suitable for dreamy people who are prone to fantasy, as it will make them even more absent-minded
  • An increase in theta rhythm leads to a decrease in concentration and drowsiness. Therefore, it is not necessary to stimulate theta waves before working. Just like alpha, theta fluctuations in large quantities cause apathy and boredom